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Set your creation in front of your plate to admire all through dinner

Businesses do this all the time with "Employee of the Month" mugs and recognition pins, certificates, gift pen sets, etc.? best embroidery machine for hats Or a shirt may have a message like "Ask me about my success!" to encourage others to help you pat yourself on the back.? Set your creation in front of your plate to admire all through dinner? For example, your hat may sport a self-created logo for your goal, to be worn while actively engaged in goal-achievement activities.

Decorate a special dessert (cake, dessert pizza, big cookie, etc) in a congratulatory or inspirational theme with icing, sprinkles, etc.She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.? Want more fun? Do this for every major milestone on the way to your success!

Purchase some brightly colored window paint markers (available at any auto-parts store or department) and paint inspiring or congratulatory slogans, such as "Oh yeah, who's your daddy!" or "I'm number 1!" on the windows of your home and or vehicle, where you will see them often.